Research and Development
Creativity, flexibility and competence are the key points on which WITEK’s R&D activity is based, thanks to which the company has gained an undisputed position among the most competitive realities in the indoor sanitation sector. Thanks to its strong focus on innovation and its strong collaboration with research centres and institutes of absolute importance, WITEK effectively supervises important areas of scientific and technological know-how such as organic chemistry, material research, nanotechnology, sensors, optics, electronics, mechanics.
WITEK has a TECH LAB equipped with state-of-the-art technical instruments and highly qualified personnel, for the supervision of all research activities in the process. Working closely with Certifying Bodies and Accredited Laboratories, the TECH LAB in-house of WITEK, manages all the crucial aspects related to the design phase, quality control, certification of results, verification of legal compliance and performance.
Scaling up new materials
Cericol Research Center Colorobbia is one of the most advanced Italian laboratories in the field of new materials. The continuous development of its Know-How through collaborations with the most prestigious national and international research institutes project Cericol into activities of very high innovative content that touch the most diverse scientific fields.
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The activities of the National Institute of Optics are divided into programmes of pure and applied research, technology transfer, consultancy for public bodies and companies. To these, they add measurement and testing services, always for organisations and companies, and training activities.
Center for Nonotechnology Innovation
Interdisciplinary Research and Development Centre dedicated to the research and exploitation of nanoscale phenomena. Research lines range from molecular medicine to advanced diagnostics to nanosystems that store energy and optimise operation processes.
Istituto di Fisica Applicate – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
IFAC conducts research, experimental development and technology transfer in many areas of Applied Physics (space, aerospace, health, nanomedicine and safety), fundamental physics (optics, photonics, physics of matter, etc.) and ICT used to produce “knowledge” able to also provide original products in basic research.
WITEK has an internal laboratory where tests are carried out on the devices according to the standards and regulations in force. The staff of highly qualified technicians carries out all the measurements necessary for the development of products and projects. Thanks to their extensive experience, the laboratory staff are able to develop products that always meet standards higher, with an uncompromising focus on regulatory compliance.
Electrical safety
Electromagnetic compatibility
Photometric laboratory
The laboratory is equipped to perform tests to verify compliance with the European Directives 2014/35 / EU (low voltage) and 2014/30 / EU (electromagnetic compatibility) and with the following standards:
IEC/EN 60335-1 – Sicurezza per elettrodomestici ed apparecchi similari
IEC/EN 60335-2-65 – Norme particolari per gli apparecchi per la purificazione dell’aria
IEC/EN 60598-1 – Sicruezza dispositivi di illuminazione
IEC/EN 60598-2-1 – Apparecchi fissi per uso generale
IEC/EN 60598-2-1 – Apparecchi da incasso
IEC/EN 60598-2-5 – Proiettori
IEC/EN 62031 – moduli LED
IEC/EN 62560 – Caratteristiche di sicurezza utilizzate nell’illuminazione generale con tensione superiore a 50 V
IEC/EN 61347 – Alimentatori per lampade
IEC/EN 61347-2-13 – Alimentatori per moduli LED
IEC 61547 – Requisiti di immunità EMC
IEC 61000-3-2 – Limiti per le emissioni di corrente armonica
IEC 61000-3-3 – Limitazione delle fluttuazioni di tensione e del flicker
EN 55015 – Limiti di emissione irradiata e condotta per apparecchi di illuminazione
EN 55014 – Limiti di emissione irradiata e condotta per elettrodomestici ed apparecchi similari
Thermal tests
We have special laminar flow hoods at controlled temperature and humidity where we perform thermal tests on all product components. The temperature data collected automatically through electronic data loggers allow us to analyze the temperature values and behavior in order to comply with the regulations and standards in force and to optimize the products with regard to heat dissipation. We analyze the surface temperatures of electronic components in power supplies and the surface temperatures of LED lamps.
Durability and aging test
We perform durability and aging tests in laminar flow hoods at controlled temperature and humidity. We analyze the aging behavior of the product during design and production. The products are monitored at pre-established time intervals to analyze functionality, mechanical and aesthetic performance, while photometric and colorimetric analyzes are performed to assess the aging of LED lamps.
Electrical insulation
With the use of high voltage generators for insulation tests, earth continuity testers and leakage current testers, we perform comprehensive safety tests of power supplies. Measurements of insulation resistance, dielectric strength, earth continuity and leakage currents guarantee 100% certainty of the electrical safety of our products.
Electromagnetic compatibility
We have all the necessary tools to perform electromagnetic compatibility tests. The analysis of interference, radiated and conducted emissions and harmonics makes it possible to verify that the product complies with the standards and regulations in force and is resistant to electromagnetic interference from external sources. We are able to design and improve components to ensure that our products perform to the highest standards without generating electromagnetic interference.

ASINA Project
Safe-by-design strategies for the development of safe nanomaterials
The Horizon 2020 ASINA (Anticipating safety issues at the design stage of nano product development) project aims to implement safe-by-design strategies for the development of inherently safe, low-risk nanomaterials for human and environmental health.
The project aims to help small and medium-sized European companies grow in quality, safety, and performance of nanomaterial products, promoting a competitive advantage in a global market.
To verify the impact that the implementation of the methodology developed in ASINA can have, we have selected two product categories and related value chains: antimicrobial/self-cleaning coatings in applications for the containment of organic and biological pollutants (viruses, bacteria) and nanostructured caspules that carry antimicrobial/antiaging active ingredients in cosmetic products.
The project co-ordinated by Cnr-ISTEC involves 21 members, including research centres, universities, SMEs, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from 8 different European countries.
“Safe for design: from science to regulation”, stresses the central role of technical standardisation. The Italian National Unification Authority (UNI) is a member of the consortium, in order to establish, from the outset, a strategic and integrated action plan, offering input data for future technical standardisation activities, in the field of nano-safe-by-design.

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement